“The graveyard is the richest place on earth because it is here that you will find all the hopes & dreams that were never fulfilled”.
Sharing My Thoughts
A Glance Through My Lens
Today has been frustrating. Many phone calls to the office sharing that I physically need help…so I can get the help I need. It should not have to be this hard, but indeed it is. If you didn’t know, I’ve had two spinal surgeries in my lifetime with the second one being “the solution”. I have been dealing with chronic pain for at least 5 years. I cannot even remember when the pain officially started (the onset). This is how long I have been dealing with it. In the meantime I take medication as needed and practice yoga to manage the pain. If you too are someone that battles chronic pain, I feel for you & want to encourage you to keep going. Please don’t throw in the towel because your situation is hard right now. I need to receive this advice for myself as well. I’ve had my days..
On the flip side, I am so incredibly grateful that I FINALLY have a safe space where I can blog & share my thoughts with you here. Not only that, but I get to get more familiar with writing and what my writing style looks like. I’m going to pause for right now. I don’t want to overdo it, but I am so glad you’re here. My plan (Lord Willing) is to keep writing this year, no matter what.
My Favorites (plural)
I am still getting the hang of how this website works. I just cannot believe it’s finally here, up & running! Eeeek. Today I simply am writing for two reasons; to get more practice in and to share with you my beautiful baby bird. Well…I call her my baby (you mamas know how it is), but she is not so much a baby anymore. I would take a stab at it that she is maybe a teenager in bird years. Where are you pet parents at?!
Keeping things a tad lighter today. I have always loved animals & am sure I always will. Not only are they the Lord’s creation, but they are loyal. They simply need to be cared for and tended to. It’s not in their nature to betray you. I’ve got my hands full with this one. I have her and the rabbit and when I tell you “it’s an everyday job”…IT’S AN EVERYDAY JOB. With that being said, it’s worth it and I work very hard to see it that way. It just seems like sometimes I am drowning due to the fact that I am outnumbered and a full plate of adult responsibilities.
Enough already, right? I want to be mindful of the time here. Let me introduce to you my Sunny Marie. If I’ve done anything right in my adult years, it has been keeping her well and alive for nearly ten years. Did you know that conures live to be about 30 years old?! It’s still a tad mind blowing to me…
We have some history together, I’d say. Sunny definitely has seem me through a lot. We have lived in two different states together & five different cities thus far. I will say that the Lord put it on my heart today to believe for more patience in regards to caring for her. There have been times where I’ve grown short in patience with her. Why? Possibly because that’s just where I’m at right now in life and much can seem overwhelming at times. Conures can be needy birds and surely require a lot of attention. Side Bar Note; I would not recommend getting a conure yourself if you don’t have patience and/or are not ready to grow in the area of patience. Conures require a lot (parrots in general) and if you don’t have the time and heart for these beautiful birds…probably is not meant for you to have one. Important considerations when debating whether or not to get a bird.
That’s a wrap for now! Please feel free to leave your comments/questions below if you have them. Thanks for being here. I can already sense this platform being really helpful for me this year..